How This Blog Will Help You Succeed

I’ve never spent much time polishing my resume or chasing some big fancy university degree. I didn’t have time for all of that. I’ve been too busy building businesses nearly my whole life.

My first recorded transaction was at age 5. I’ve been in the trenches of small business longer than most peoples entire careers which translates to been-there-did-that experience.

I don’t think I learned to be this way, it’s just who I am. In third grade I was kicked out of the “Talented and Gifted” program for being “too smart”. Apparently when I gave a solution that defied what was “possible” that didn’t pass as talented OR gifted. Darn.

Along the way I’ve had many mentors and coaches, some formal, others unwittingly. Many of the greatest lessons I learned from people who never even knew they were teaching me. To them I’m very grateful for all they gave and hope to pay that forward here.

My passion for business has pushed me to question the way things are, ask the questions others never thought to ask and this has helped me find opportunities where most people wouldn’t ever think to look.

If you’ll let me share some of these experiences with you I’m sure you’ll find something you can relate to, always wanted to know or perhaps even an idea or two that’s totally new.

Please join in on the conversations and be sure to join me on your favorite social network so we can keep in touch!

My Finest Handwritting - My first grade teacher would be proud

About me

Many people say I should be a coach. I say that’s too cliché. I want to help more people than I could as a coach.

Is it too big of a dream to help everyone I possibly can, if not at least in some small way? Perhaps not directly, but at least by sharing my passion, which then gets passed on to others you never even knew? That sounds like me.

Building things excites me. I’ve always been obsessed with systems, profits and building things that combine the two. I listen to people, analyze the world around me, think about my own experiences. This helps me find problems to solve. Then I go to work building a solution. These solutions are usually businesses.

Often I look at what is already available, improve on it or reframe the problem entirely and find a way to deliver it through a system. If it can’t be done through a system it probably isn’t worth doing.

Okay, enough about me, what are we building? Let’s get to work!